“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
Future Fund Donates Land to Metro Louisville and The Parklands for New Splash and Spray Ground.
The Future Fund Land Trust is donating land to Metro Louisville and Broad Run Park within The Parklands of Floyds Fork to become a splash and spray ground. This newest attraction will be a central focal point of Broad Run Park which is slated to be open in April of 2016. The playground will be the center most point of the 600 acres of Broad Run Park. The park is located off of Bardstown Road which is the southern most point of The Parklands. The attraction will be named the Cliffside Playground and Sprayground.
“We are delighted to partner with the Parklands and the City of Louisville,” stated Steve Henry, President and Founder of the Future Fund Land Trust which currently owns over 2000 acres of The Parklands. “Donating this land will help complete the fourth and final phase of The Parklands.”
Future Fund Buys More Land for the Park System
The Future Fund partners with The Parklands of FLoyds Fork to help create the vision for the park system.
Jefferson County Buys Land Along Floyds Fork for Future Park.
Lt. Governor Stephen Henry set aside $100,000 during his tenure as County Commissioner for Jefferson County to buy 129 acres in Eastern Jefferson County for a future park along Floyds Fork.
Whooping Cranes Are Here!
Whooping Cranes make a home on Floyds Fork. Eight endangered Whooping Cranes have claimed a spot on Future Fund land along Floyds Fork in eastern Jefferson County.
The Helm Property
The Future Fund acquires the Helm Property.
The City of Parks initiative plans to build parks on Future Fund Land.
The Future Fund gets praise for amassing nearly 3000 acres along FLoyds Fork which will become part of the massive vision for The Parklands of Floyds Fork.

Steve Henry, President of Future Fund, provides testimony against the development of a new JCPS School on Echo Trail near Floyds Fork.
JCPS is proposing a new location for a new school within the designated DRO set forth more than 25 years ago by Jefferson County as a way to protect FLoyds Fork. The new location raises many issues including the environmental impact the school will have on the surrounding area including the creek. Neighbors and activists groups came out at the most recent school board meeting to object to the proposal with hopes that JCPS can find a new more accommodating location.
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Friends & Volunteers Canoe Floyds Fork
Experiencing FLoyds Fork is a great way to learn about water quality & land conservation. We are grateful for friends and supporters who joined us to canoe th Fork to learn more about our efforts and also help clean up the waterway! Together, we can save Floyds Fork! Photos by John Nation.
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Establishing the Future Fund.
The Future Fund is established in 1993 by Dr. Stephen Henry during his term as County Commissioner for the A District in Jefferson County.