As a donor-supported public park, the Future Fund depends on membership and additional contributions to purchase land to preserve the Floyds Fork watershed. Your donation is 100% tax deductible, and directly impacts the preservation of Floyds Fork. Donations may be made in your name, anonymously, as a gift, and also in honor or in memory of someone else. Thank you for your generous support of The Future Fund.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Future Fund, Inc as a tax-deductible 501(c)3 non-profit organization that relies on community contributions. Our tax identification number is 20-0831835. There are a variety of ways to make an impact, many of which are listed below. If you have any questions please contact Stephen Henry at stephenhenrymd@icloud.com or 502-376-1967.
Make a one-time gift (online, mail in a check, or over the phone)
Honor and Memorial Giving honor or remember someone special by making a gift in their name.
Give gifts of stock In order to give the gift of stock.
Planned giving Be a part of our successful future by including Future Fund in your estate plans.
Corporate Sponsorship Your company can be the official sponsor of specific programs in The Parklands each year.
Endowment Gifts Make a large gift to the Future Fund Endowment, a separate 501(c)3 organization. Portions of your gift can be designated to Future Fund, Inc. annual fund each year, while the remainder of your gift grows in the Endowment.
All gifts can be made online at the links above, by mail or over the phone at 502-376-1967.
Checks payable to FUTURE FUND, INC. may be mailed to:
Future Fund, Inc,
1357 Bardstown Road
Louisville, KY 40204

By donating, you will be helping to save land along Floyd's Fork from being developed. Right now, the Fork is under threat due to zoning allowances which permit developers to develop in the flood plain, therefore, endangering the health of Floyds Fork.
Thank you, for helping to save the Fork!